First we need the Love First we need the Love was written by Zain, together with internationally acclaimed artist Khalil Ismail. With the backing of Jamal Records, Zain decided that worldwide release of two compilation albums incorporating all material he had done thus far. It takes us on an enchantingly descriptive journey through nature and colour, whilst highlighting the importance of trust, love and gratitude. Zain parents were Indian South African. Hope In , Zain produced Hope, an album that has a contemporary, urban mix with a strong resonance of African culture. zain bhikha nasheeds

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Zain Bhikha Nasheeds >> 75+ Audio Naats (Mp3 Download)

Zain is an only brother among three sisters Zaheera, Nasira and Nasima. Our World With his popularity rising and live performances around the globe, Zain Bhikha released Our World in Omar initially sees the world around him with his preconceived notions of fear zzin distrust, however later he is able to appreciate the very same surroundings through the unfiltered eyes of a child.

Aptly entitled, A Way of Life, the album captures the essence of Zain Bhikha, with traditional nasheeds that tug at the heartstrings and strengthen the resolve towards faith. This album has been described as Nasheed at its best. As a father of four boys, he is passionate about invoking a sense of pride and identity amongst Muslim Children.

zain bhikha nasheeds

Zain has become somewhat of a household name when it comes to Islamic Music. Bhikhq the backing of Jamal Records, Zain decided that worldwide release of two compilation albums incorporating all material he had done thus far.

First we need the Love was written by Zain, together with internationally acclaimed artist Khalil Ismail.

Allah Knows was released in as a tribute to his eldest son, Rashid. InZain produced Hope, an album that has byikha contemporary, urban mix with a strong resonance of African culture.

The Passing Traveller has become synonomous with Allah made Everything. The official Cotton Candy Sky video featuring Omar Regan conveys these exact sentiments, telling the story of a teacher taking his kids on camp. Interestingly, the album, which features Zain in collaboration with young artists as well songs by his second-born, Muhammad Bhikha, has the same title as his first album released in This was a compilation of a cappella Islamic songs, mostly in English covering the various tenets of the Muslim faith.

Zain Bhikka started bbikha from a young age, though entertaining his family and friends were enjoyable past-times, and he did not have any belief that his singing would take him further from that point. Faith Under the guidance of Mountain of Light and through the global distribution power of Jamal Records, Zain released Faith in Ultimately this song aims to bring about that very awareness in both our children, and ourselves.

Under the guidance of Mountain of Light and through the global distribution power of Jamal Records, Zain released Faith in We, as human beings need to realise that as nashdeds as we try, we will never be in control of everything, instead we need to place our trust and reliance in Allah the Almighty and be consciously aware of the fact that He is in control of everything, and at the end everything falls perfectly into place according to His perfect plan.

After this unexpected accomplishment, Zain was approached by the Pretoria Muslim School.

zain bhikha nasheeds

As Zain BHikha show as an artist in South Africa, other artists seeking to reach Muslim youth with music came to be familiar with his work, including world-renowned musician and prominent convert to Islam. Bhikha Inspired by this and he wrote an anthem for his school.


This school asked him to write and record a new school anthem for them. With the backing of Jamal Records, Zain stretched his wings further through the worldwide release of two compilation albums incorporating all material bhjkha had done thus far.

Inmarking fifteen years since his first independent debut album, A Way of Life, Zain released Allah Knows has become iconic for its lyrics which resonate with people regardless of race or faith. Zain Bhikha has 4 siblings.

Zain Bhikha Nasheeds 2019 >> 75+ Audio Naats (Mp3 Download)

It takes us on an enchantingly descriptive journey through nature and colour, whilst highlighting the importance of trust, love and gratitude. These albums were entitled Children of Heaven and Towards the Light, featuring a number of remixed songs. Zain worked with some impressive local and international talents, including his year old son Rashid. It was a great success and brought a full house for all three nights that it ran in October First we need the Love First we need the Love was written by Zain, together with internationally acclaimed artist Khalil Ismail.

The Official Zain Bhikha Website » Discography

The album also features a fresh new approach to classic songs such as Fortunate is He. The album also brought about collaborations between Zain and well-known Canadian songwriter, Dawud Wharnsby Ali. This is especially true of the heartfelt lyrics that resonate throughout his album following Mountains of Makkah.


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