This page was last modified on 6 June , at For more information, please see the Phidget WebService page. Tools What links here Printable version Page information. If you need to remove all traces of the Phidgets libraries manually, perform the following additional steps:. Double-click on one of these channels to open up a window that lets you interact with it phidget.msi

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Please follow these steps:. Otherwise, if you wish to manually install the PhidgetWebservice You can learn more about what is needed to program in a particular language by choosing the language of your preference below. There are two methods that can be used to turn the WebService on and off. This work by Phidgets Inc.

OS - Windows - Phidgets Legacy Support

Next, we will set up the WebService and run the Phidget program on the client. To Products To Forums.

When you reinstall the Phidgets drivers all of the old paths can get broken. The example application will open up, and you will be able to communicate with the Phidget over the WebService. The Windows command line is used.

If you used our installer, the WebService utility is automatically installed in C: To start the WebService with a server name of myServer:. Retrieved from " https: However, you won't be able to use the installer, and will have to manually install the Phidget libraries.

If you don't see the Phidget in the list, then take a look at the troubleshooting section below, as well as the Communications section of our general troubleshooting page. For more information, visit the Phidget Control Panel page.


By leaving the Startup Type as Manualyou will have to manually turn the WebService on everytime you wish to use it. Click on the button in the menu bar to go to the version of this page. To confirm the libraries were installed and work correctly, you can check both the hardware and software components of the interface. Additional files are needed for the language that you choose.

OS - Windows

You can go through the registry and purge any other keys mentioning Phidgets if you still have problems, but at this point you should be able to reinstall under most cases.

This work by Phidgets Inc.

In most cases this is enough to get the installer working again. Download one of the Phidget installer for phidge.msi system, depending on whether your system is 32 or bit. To find out what files got installed, please see Description of Installer files in the Appendix section.

Please see the hardware section for more details. The Phidget Control Panel is a tool to quickly determine whether your system is able to communicate with Phidgets, and also act as a debugging tool. Tools What links here Printable version Page information.


Check our pphidget.msi for your specific compiler for details. If you need old versions of the libraries, click here. In addition to enabling logging in your Phidget code, you can get additional debugging information from the WebService itself.

If you need help choosing a language, please look at the language comparison table.

OS - Windows - Phidgets Support

As always, please ensure that you have the latest Phidget drivers installed on the virtual machine and that you are using the latest version of your virtual software.

The control panel is a powerful tool that will help you develop your Phidgets applications. Here, open up the Hardware tab and select Device Manager. The debugging information is shown in the Output tab. You will have to install Bonjour onto your system to use the second method.



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