We stayed there for a month to prepare. I am from Santa Cruz. You have to try it. I have an identity. Although the tradition — which evolved in various forms over the different islands — is tending to disappear, Elida Almeida captures, digests and transforms it with the help of her guitarist and arranger Hernani Almeida. And I say in this song that it was a good time when I grew up not with the alarm from cell phone but with the sound of animals. elida almeida album

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It was not a good day for me because I needed money to pay my bill, alhum I saw out in the audience…. Today, it expresses a joyous, colorful assertion of African identity. Combining various genres and inspirations, the twelve tracks on the new album explore the traditions of the Sahel archipelago, a port of call for almieda crossing the Atlantic. Sometimes I put myself in the place of other people, for instance a woman who is the victim of domestic violence in Kontam.

Elida Almeida - Wikipedia

If you have something special, it works. Then there is the eternal figure of the mother, who loves and sometimes punishes, but also gives affectionate albuj.

She draws on her environment with precision and lightheartedness.

At the age of 14, Elida moved to the island of Maio with its vast stretches of sand, salt marshes, beaches and pearly waves. You have to try it. On the track, she namedrops relentlessly: I had these image and all these stories in my head, things I will never forget about.

elida almeida album

No, grew up listening to the radio in my village. I am Elida Almeida and I do what I want. If somebody knew someone who could play very well, no matter where, we sent the tracks and they recorded.

elida almeida album

I worked with my guitarist Hermani Almeida, who is also my musical director. Her fiery temperament and joie de vivre do nothing to undermine the social criticism she expresses in her nostalgic ballads tinged with pop.

Elida Almeida

In Chad, in Niger, xlmeida is no respect for a woman who sings. I want to ask you about your generation and young musicians in Cape Verde now. In the heat of Maio, she also presented a show on local radio and refined her musical culture. Born on February 15, on the island of Santiago, Elida Almeida was raised by her grandparents in the little village of Kebrada, a remote, mountainous spot near to Pedra Badejo in the east of the eldia island.

One day I was singing. Start with the title. You have to have an identity. So it makes me feel good about Cape Verde. Women of the West. So we stay with our tradition but we still open, you know?

Sometimes you have to insist. It talks about this kind of guy, like a Cachaz, and another strong woman named Nacia Gomi. I already had a son, I had already finished college and started to do university.

elida almeida album

She is very special. Her freshness and warmth of voice won immediate success.

Elida Almeida

He changed everything in funana. We make a fusion between traditional and modern songs. They said they felt pressure to do traditional music. We did a recent program called " Cape Verde Sounds:


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